Monday, 25 June 2012


Hi there,

One of the beautiful beaches
So who am I?  As you can guess from the title of this blog, I am a youth worker - a Christian youth worker who lives in the back of beyondWhat do I mean by this?  In my new post (officially as a children and youth advisor) I moved away from towns and cities, 24 hour Tesco's, cinemas, shops and everything else that I took for granted and moved to (almost) the furthest edge of the country that you get to.  I used to overlook rolling hills, woods and towns, now I overlook the Atlantic Ocean which is very cool.  I live in a rural location now, where I work with approximately 15 churches (sometimes more, sometimes less) in creating sustainable children and youth ministries.  A challenging but brilliant job.  

As for the other part of the blog title, I'm not technically a minister's wife yet.  I am more, a minister's wife in training.  Confused?  So am I!  My husband has been accepted to begin his training to become a minister.  I have a few years to prepare myself.  Why does this confuse me and (slightly) worry me?  When you think of a minister's wife what do you think of?  I see the old fashioned, traditional wives in the tweed outfits, scone shoes (aka sensible), bicycle with a basket on the front, coffee mornings, guild meetings and on and on and on.......  This terrifies me and causes my friends great hilarity simply because you could not get anything more opposite of me.  I like my rock and heavy metal music.  I have New Rock boots.  I have been to over 20 rock concerts (and am off to see Alice Cooper later this year yay!).  I have a sub woofer in my car (you can always hear me coming) and a thousand and one other reasons why I am not cut out to be a minister's wife and yet, here I am.  

So join me in this journey from youth worker to minister's wife.  What you read will be the truth although sometimes it will seem far fetched and unbelievable but it will be true.  (An example, which one of my friends thought I was lying about until she came to stay with me - did you know that hare's will run along the road and will not dive into the side until they come to an opening or a gate?  Or that geese and guinea fowl will gang up on you and do sneak attacks on your car?  Crazy but true).  Join me on a surreal adventure - my life. 

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